Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Report from Rachel & Liz

sometimes I think it is better that you get things in the missionaries exact words rather than my interpretation...
Things going well in our camp. We had some successful visits. Liz spoke in church tonight along with Brandon. We are being fed I would say to well. I can barely button my pants but that's another story. The sad thing is that they think we are not eating enough. Anyways a loved member of the church died today and it was an oppurtunity to minister with the rest of the church. Tomorrow is the funeral be praying for our church for they are taking it hard. Tomorrow our translator has english class and we are to go and be teachers but also witness. It should be awesome. lLz is good the Brasilians call her Japanese girl and today she got told she looks Canadian. Strange how peoples minds work. She has had a lot of very powerful home visits. Be praying for us. via com deus.


Jeanne Hendricks said...

Good to hear from you girls! I have been praying!

Chelle said...

So good to hear from you, Rachel and Liz. Sounds fun and challenging. You guys are GROWING! God Bless and lots of love! Arlene