Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Bob's report

Pretty much - straight from his writings....

Just returned from morning visits. Many of the visits are with catholics and so they feel they already `know`Jesus. So we have to explain more detail of having a personal relationship with Him. The visits are going good otherwise.

Yesterday I visited the daughter of the spiritualist. She is a believer, but has not been in church because of her mother and also because she has a 3 yr old and not care for him. I explained to her that the church is there to support her and help her raise her children, I encouraged her to get back involved and prayed with her that she would get her life committed to God, she doesn´t have the home support. She was grateful and is going to live with her mother-in-law who is a Christian and member of Vila Rosali. The spiritualist lady did not show up to the visit, which was probably good for her daughter to have that opportunity to listen to what I shared.

Last night I preached at AP (Brandon´s church). The service went well and one man came forward to get his life right with God. He was very moved and was in tears that he had not lived for God like he should. I was able to pray for him and encourage him. Very good service. Afterward, we had dinner with Brandon and his church family. So much food here!!! Brandon and I may be traveling home in the baggage compartment. Every visit they have cake, cheese balls, bread or something and also guarana or juice. In the churches we have breakfast, lunch, snacks and dinner, along with a fridge near our room they keep loaded with drinks and food (not that we are around to eat any of it).

Tonight we are doing a service to recognize the children´s workers. It is supposed to be kind of like the Oscars. Marcos and I are the presenters, it should be fun.

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